现在国内国际部高三IB课程在读 想申请2019fall还来得及吗?想请问一下难度大吗因为近几年没见过自己学校或者别的学校的同学去NUS 我托福108 IB预估分41/42 btw还想问下NUS是conditional offer吗?
回答:Only IBDP students who have been awarded an IB Diploma will be considered for admission. Please note that this is only the minimum eligibility criteria. Entry to the various courses at NUS is very competitive and applicants who gain admission, typically, attain very good scores。
你的IB成绩和托福成绩有很大的机会,可以申请。NUS的condisional offer很少有语言的,有针对预毕业的。
2019-07-09 13:07:45